- Step 1 – Evaluate home safety.
It’s vital to take time and walk through the entire house and identify issues that could possibly lead to falls.
Common situations that can increase their risk include:
- A lack of durable handrails
- Loose wires
- Damaged flooring
- Poorly lit rooms and hallways
- Cluttered areas
Make sure you get them fixed immediately.
- Step 2 – Ensure a well-maintained home.
Clutter is a frequent thing among older adults. Work with your loved ones in getting the home organized, safe, and clutter-free. Help them identify things they do not need anymore and dispose of them through a garage sale or donations to charity. Guarantee that your loved ones have sufficient shelving units to aid in lessening clutter. Also, our Home Care Services in Perris, California also include light housekeeping; keeping the home clean can improve the safety of your loved ones.
- Step 3 – Consider bathroom modifications
Older adults are at a higher risk of falls in the bathroom. Bathrooms can be narrow and small with floors that get wet. Also, seniors who use the tub are also at risk of falling.
Remodeling the bathroom can really benefit in lessening your risks of falls by installing handrails near the sink, by the toilet, as well as in and around the bathtub.
With the help of A + Home Care Services, Inc that offers Home Health Care in Riverside, California and more, you can be confident that you or your loved ones can age at home safely, happily, and healthily.
For more information about our Senior Home Care in California and more of our services, don’t hesitate to give us a call.